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Kids and Family

10 habits shape a kind...

Parenting is a very complex task. If we’re not careful, we will become too focused on one aspect and let the others fall by the wayside.

Teach your child not to interrupt in one simple step

My boys have a lot going on. Often times they are just BURSTING to tell me something and will come straight up to me and tell me what's on their mind regardless of whether I am already talking to someone.

How to make recycling fun for kids

Recycling is a satisfying and valuable habit, but sometimes we struggle to find ideas on how to help our kids understand how important it is.

Fun family tradition_en

Remember what your kids loved most, and what they thought about at each age with these Interview questions for kids.

Easy Kids Crafts for a Rainy Day

Whether it is raining outside or you just need a way to occupy those little ones for a while, crafts are a fantastic solution.


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