The Ultimate Gift
What happens when someone looks at you with a smile? When someone tells you that they love you be it your mother, father or your girlfriend, the feeling of satisfaction that you have somebody to turn to, in your joys or your sorrows.
The ultimate gift is of loving and being loved. The joy and the passion with which you love someone can never be replaced. You have someone to love you and that person loves you for who your are. You feel that you are a good person and you are liked and appreciated. Technology can simplify your life, make it easier but your life is truly successful when you have people around to gift them and shower them with love and gifts. Take the example of a dog, irrespective of the person you are, he/she will always see you as the most beautiful person existing and loves you completely with no ifs and buts. The joy of loving yourself and others and just letting it go, not caring about what is ahead whether the person will like you or not. It's just about loving form all you heart so that every night when you sleep, you are proud of who you are, the person your parents have made you.
Things like loving each other and yourself are to be imbibed in the childhood itself. It is to praise the child for doing something good even if it is a small thing because only the small steps help you to take big ones.
Once you learn to love yourself only can you talk to others and love them. You have the see the best in every person and once you see that you can easily get past their flaws is when you love them.
Now this love is given unconditionally, like your mom loves you even though she knows you might end up sending her to an old age home, she still loves you not asking you for anything in return. Love yourself and love others, there is nothing better and positive than being loved and loving. Our world revolves around various feelings like love, care, respect, adulation, hatred, jealousy and fear. If there is bad there is good too, and love conquers all.
You don't need to hide your love, show it, just like your mom or your pet loves you. It's easier being indifferent or cold but you can only experience the joy and the satisfaction by being courageous and showing love unconditionally. So go ahead and love yourself and love others!!